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64% of French people think that France should give more to tackle Aids, TB and Malaria

Published 27 August 2019 in Surveys

In spite of other pressures on public spending, 64% of French people support an increase of a French contribution to tackle global Aids, TB and Malaria. The question included a reference to an "international conference" which was linked to the international replenishment conference for the Global Fund (organisation which tackles these three pandemics) on 10 October 2019.

18% of French people say they do not really agree, but they are not in strong opposition. Only 6% say that they strongly disagree with this idea.

Increasing financing for the fight against pandemics: very important for young people, and a particular priority for left-wing voters

The age of the respondent does not have a huge impact on answers to this question. However, those under 25 are twice as likely to those over 55 to say that they cannot answer the question. In other words, young people are not necessarily opposed to an increase of French funding to tackle the three pandemics, but do seem less able than older respondents to form an opinion. This might imply that nationally at least, younger generations are more inclined to see these three pandemics as a thing of the past?

The biggest influence for opinions on this question is political preference. 79% of left-wing voters say they support increased funding, compared to 72% of center-voters and only 55% of right-wing voters. 75% of voters for (far-left candidate) Jean Luc Mélenchon, and 74% of voters for (center candidate and future President Emmanuel Macron) were favorable to an increase, compared to 56% of (mainstream right-wing candidate) François Fillon.

This is a similar response structure as for other questions about French funding for non-national issues, with right-wing voters being generally opposed to spending which is not on domestic issues.

Interestingly though, a majority (51%) of far-right voters for Marine le Pen are supportive of an increase in France’s contribution to the Global Fund.

Further reading

Baromètre de la solidarité internationale n°4 - "Les français et la lutte contre les grandes pandémies" Retrouvez la méthodologie du projet Development Engagement Lab

Documents to download

Baromètre de la solidarité internationale n°4 - "Les français et la lutte contre les grandes pandémies" Retrouvez la méthodologie du projet Development Engagement Lab