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Do poverty reduction policies benefit women as much as they do men?

Published 7 August 2019 in Surveys

53% of French people think that women and girls do not receive as much attention as men and boys when it comes to investment in global poverty reduction.

Thus a majority of French people accept that gender inequality is not just a fact in developing countries, but also a reality which is maintained or made worse by conscious choices in development policy-making.

More women (56%) than men (51%) agree with this statement.

More French people over the age of 50 (64%) than under 49 ( 45%) think that there is gender inequality in poverty reduction work. In addition, younger age categories are less frequent in having a clear opinion either way.

Center- and left-wing voters agree with this statement more than those with other political preferences. However, regardless of political opinion, recognition of a gender inequality in development policy remains the dominant view.

This data comes from our survey conducted by the YouGov Institute and piloted by the research team at University College London and the University of Birmingham as part of the project Aid Attitudes Tracker which measures the evolution of opinions and behaviors on issues of international solidarity in four countries.

Further reading