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What do European citizens think of official development assistance?

Published 26 August 2019 in Surveys

In Europe, public opinion varies from one country to the next in terms of views of whether official development assistance (ODA) should increase or not.

The variation in views can be attributed to several different factors. One, each country’s individual history or links with developing countries. Two, the strength and influence of its civil society (and their campaigns). Three, whether the media is interested and (if so) how it portrays development issues. Four, the extent to which local or national politicians talk about development or poverty, either in their campaigns or during their terms in office.

Whatever the reason, there is a clear difference in public opinion about whether developed countries should be giving more to developing countries.

We see the highest support for an increase in ODA from Spanish people (44%), followed closely by Northern or high-income European countries: Germans (38%) are second, followed by Sweden (36%), Denmark (33%) and Holland (32%), all of whom are above the average (29%).

French and British people fall under the average, with 26% and 29% respectively agreeing that ODA should be increased toward developing countries.

Opinion poll carried out on line by TNS Opinion and Social for the European Commission - Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development. This study was also coordinated by the European Commission Directorate General for Communication.
Eurobarometer Special 476 - wave EB89.3. Carried out between 21 June and 6 July 2018. Published Septembre 2018.
Opinion poll based on answers from 27732 respondents from all 28 countries, representative of the adult population of each country, ie 1035 people in Spain. Source:

Further reading