Focus 2030
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66% of French people discuss the situation of poorest countries

Published 16 August 2018 in Surveys

66% of French people say they have discussed poverty in developing countries with people they know.

It is an issue which is widely accepted by the vast majority of French people as a subject of discussion.

This percentage is slightly higher among those under 25 (72%) than among older generations aged 25 to 50 (63%).

And though it is a subject which is discussed by voters of all political orientation, it is more commonly discussed among left-(76%) or center-voters (73%) than among right-wing voters (63%).

This data comes from our survey conducted by the YouGov Institute and piloted by the research team at University College London and Birmingham University as part of the project Aid Attitudes Tracker which measures the evolution of opinions and behaviors on issues of international solidarity in four countries.

Further reading