Focus 2030
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How does the Rapid Reaction Fund work?

Focus 2030 manages a Rapid Reaction Fund overseen by an independent Selection Committee. This Fund enables us to quickly support projects through grants to organisations working on international development.

Projects supported by the Rapid Reaction Fund

The Rapid Reaction Fund aims to support projects with concrete, measurable, and immediate or short-term impact, in the two following fields:

The promotion of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
among policy-makers, citizens and public figures in France, to encourage ambitious public policies to meet the Goals by 2030;

the improvement of visibility, accessibility and understanding of the key issues and impacts of development financing
notably ODA, to promote the international objective of 0.7%/GNI and to improve aid effectiveness (transparency and accountability).

Projects should be at least one of the following four types of intervention

The Rapid Reaction Fund is uniquely focused on research, communication and awareness-raising, mobilisation and advocacy activities, as detailed below:

production of data or analysis which aims to improve understanding of international development/solidarity (SDGs) and/or official development assistance.

activities promoting or improving understanding of international development/solidarity (SDGs) and/or official development assistance.

activities which involve citizens by offering the possibility to join a campaign supporting international development/solidarity.

activities targeted at decision-makers, possibly combining elements of mobilisation, communication or awareness-building, which improve understanding of international development/solidarity (SDGs) (NB: this excluding any lobbying activity)

Projects excluded from the Rapid Reaction Fund...

Focus 2030’s Rapid Reaction Fund does not support any of the following:

  • Organizations whose registered headquarters are not in France
  • Projects carried out in the field (direct support for target populations)
  • Lobbying aiming to modify legislation, obtain specific budgetary allocations for an organization or instrument
  • Recurring or regular projects which do not clearly demonstrate the need for specific or urgent funding
  • Projects whose overall aim does not focus on a better integration of international solidarity in public policies
  • Projects whose target audience is not external (to the organization).

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