Focus 2030
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What do French people know about the G7?

Published 2 September 2019 in Surveys

58% of French people say they know what the G7 is, compared to 32% who have heard about it, but "don’t really know what it is". These results do not, however, demonstrate the extent to which French people really understand the G7, for example the issues discussed by the G7, its capacity to make a difference, the decisions that it might take or the different states which make up its membership.
The older the respondent, the higher the (declared) knowledge of the G7. In the same way, level of education is influential: those with university qualifications are more likely (+24%) than others to claim that they know ’a fair amount’ about the G7.

Further reading

Baromètre de la solidarité internationale n°5 - Les français·e·s, le G7 et les inégalités dans le monde

Documents to download

Baromètre de la solidarité internationale n°5 - Les français·e·s, le G7 et les inégalités dans le monde

Further reading